20,000 Visits to The Common Green


The blog hit a bit of a milestone today. 20,000 pageviews and over 16,500 visits!

All I can say is thank you for all of the support, especially in the last few days when things have went a bit viral. Here’s to the next few thousand visitors and to continuing efforts to shine just a little bit of light and opinion on the topics to come.

I’m still here to talk about all things Common and Green but if there’s anything else you think I can provide some insight on just give me a shout and I’ll see what I can do.

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2 thoughts on “20,000 Visits to The Common Green

  1. OK as you asked. Could you explore your thoughts on “New builds”, “Micro re-newables” and why we don’t have a planinng policy that forces every new build to be chock full of micro-reneawables.

    My thoughts on it are:

    Despite the fact that the Tories plane to cut support for Wind Farms and other renewables through the abolition of the subsidy, I believe there are still ways to embrace Green technology though without relying on subsidies to the big power companies. A simple one would be for local councils to force every new build (domestic and industrial) to be chock full of micro generation, whether it be solar, wind, ground heat or the many other options out there.

    If every builder had to do it, then not only would we eventually break the monopoly of the large power companies by every community becoming self sufficient, it would also pay for itself. Yes the house would be more expensive to build and buy, but increased demand would also reduce the cost of the technology and whatever it cost extra to buy the house would be saved on reduced power bills.

    We could also install the TESLA Power Wall in every one of these buildings, so that they could actually store surplus and further reduce demand on the grid and reliance on the power companies.

    I would love to hear your thought as to whether you believe this is feasible or just a pipe dream of mine.


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